Library hours are listed on the homepage, click here to see all hours, closings, etc. The normal Fall & Spring semester hours are:
Monday to Thursday: 8am to Midnight
Friday: 8am to 7pm
Saturday: 10am to 6pm
Sunday: 11am to Midnight
An annotated bibliography is a list of sources that gives the publication information and a short description, or annotation, for each source.
Each annotation is generally three to seven sentences long.
In some bibliographies, the annotation merely describes the content and scope of the source.
In others, the annotation also evaluates the source’s reliability, currency, and relevance to a researcher’s purpose.
Take a look at our research guide for creating an annotated bibliography which includes the steps in creating one as well as examples.
When desktops are not available for students to use, they also have the option to borrow laptops from the circulation desk.
The library loans the PC laptop computers for use in the library.
If you already have a citation…
If you already have the full citation for the article you can go directly to the Journal Locator.
If we subscribe to the journal the article is from, you will be able to access the full text content either in the library or online.
Keep in mind when searching the journal locator that you need to use the journal title, NOT the article title.
Another thing to keep in mind is that journal locator will not make up for misspelled terms, so be sure you are accurate when entering the title of your journal.
If we do not have any holdings for the material you are looking for, you can request the article using inter-library loan (ILL). The service is free for faculty and students at Monmouth University.
If you are looking for articles on a specific topic…
If you are looking for articles of a specific topic the best way to start your search is by locating the appropriate databases to search.
If your assignment requires you use a specific database you can locate it under the FIND>Articles>A to Z Databases List.
If you are unsure where to start, try using the Databases by Subject or Research Guides which will direct you to the most relevant databases for your searches.
You can also ask a librarian for help getting started.
When you are off-campus trying to access library resources, you will be prompted to enter your Monmouth University username and password. If you run into access issues off-campus please e-mail the library or call (732)571-3438.
Resident students must park in their assigned lot.
Non-Resident Students (with valid decal)
Lot 20, except in spots designated library employee parking
Designated Library spots on University Road
Lot 2, Designated spots
Lot 4, after 5pm
Library Guests- with valid visitors permit
Designated Library spots on University Road
Lot 2, Designated spots
Lot 4, after 5pm
Please Note: Library visitors must obtain a visitors permit.
This permit authorizes parking for guests for one day and is available at Police Headquarters, the Greeter’s Booth off of Cedar Avenue, and from the traffic attendant off of Larchwood Avenue.
Handicapped Permit:
In compliance with the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Services laws and regulations, applications for a temporary New Jersey Motor Vehicle Services permit and a set of instructions for its completion can be picked up at the University police department, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding parking, do not hesitate to contact the Monmouth University Police Department, 732-571-3467.
Yes, the library has scanners and photocopiers available.
They are located in the reference area. If you have any questions about how to use either, see the reference librarian on duty.
Yes, books may be renewed from the online catalog or by calling the circulation desk at 732-571-3693.
Students and faculty require materials outside of Monmouth University Library’s collections.
If this is the case, the library will borrow these materials from another library.
Please take a look at the interlibrary loan (ILL) page for more information.
Students and Monmouth University employees: connect to MU-Secure and use your MU username and password to connect. Non MU users: connect to MU-Guest and provide your email address for access. MU-Guest wifi will connect you to the Internet, only. For access to the Library’s databases and use of MU-supplied software, obtain a Guest Account (our policy) from Access Services or a Reference Librarian.